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House plans with attic

Projekty domów z poddaszemIn this category you will find small house plans with gabled roof, with an area of 60 m2, and a representative villas with an area of 250 m2 and more. House plans with attic is the most popular choice of most investors who decide to build a house in Poland. House plans with the attic are popular for economic reasons - they are the best deals on the implementation, they does not require as much plot as bungalows, while they have a more human scale than story houses - thanks to eaves going down below the roof. Houses with attics less shielding the garden, what with a small plot can make a big difference. And finally - most of the provisions in the local municipalities plans foresee detached houses, houses with attics, with a relatively sharp angle of slope of the roof. In our offer you will find both houses with gable and hipped roofs, with dormer or roof windows. Houses with attics with traditional architecture and modern house plans. We invite you to familiarize with our offer


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